CCL has been bringing out publications which includes awareness generation materials, research reports and training materials. For any queries related to publications, kindly write to
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Bala Vikasa Samiti Patra: Mahiti Kaipidi – Role of Bala Vikasa Samitis: Information Booklet (Kannada)
Manual for members of Bal Vikasa Samitis (Community Based Committee of Anganwadi) on their roles and responsibilities in ensuring food and nutrition security of the rights holders.

Sabala: Mahiti Kaipidi – Information Booklet (Kannada)
Manual for members of Vigilance Committees on their roles and responsibilities as per the NFSA, 2013.

Webinars Reports
A Collation of the webinars conducted by CCL on Right to food and Caste in the context of COVID-19, Farm Acts 2020 & Right to Food and Mental Health of Children in Conflict with Law.

Reimagining Hunger-Free Communities: How CSOs can leverage NFSA, 2013
This manual is a modest step towards identifying the most critical roles that CSOs can play in the implementation of NFSA.

Enhancing the Role of State Food Commissions
The manual is meant to explain the normative framework of food security, grievance redressal and functioning of human rights commissions, discuss and elaborate on the key functions of the commissions and enable understanding for resolving the key problems emanating from the gaps in the legal framework.

Universalization of School Education – The road ahead
This book attempts to capture the ongoing debates across the country on the necessity and importance of providing equitable quality school education to all children within a timebound framework.
Suggested Price: INR 100.00/$8.00

Right to Food for Children: A Discussion
This report puts on record and presents the proceedings, deliberations and outcomes of the National Consultation organised on the National Food Security Bill, 2011.
Suggested Price: INR 80.00

Manual for CPCRs – How to Implement the CPCR Act, 2005
This manual intends to provide the Commissions for Protection of Child Rights a resource that they can use during the course of their work.
Suggested Price: INR 725.00/$16.00

FAQs on the CPCR Act, 2005
This book was prepared with an aim to simplify the legislation and to make it widely available to individuals interested in or working on child rights.
Suggested Price: INR 50.00/$3.00

CPCRs – Answers to Common Questions Children May Have
This booklet has been created to help children understand what they can do to help themselves and other children who may need assistance.
Suggested Price: INR 50.00/$3.00

Validating Food Insecurity Scale
The classification of household as per their food security level can be used to design and define welfare schemes and programmes of the government.

Validating Food Insecurity Scale: A Pilot Study
In order to validate the Food Insecurity Scale, this pilot study has been conducted to examine the diversified techniques to measure food insecurity and the need for further research in this important area.
Suggested Price: INR 75.00/$3.00