Centre for Child and the Law

About the Centre

The Centre for Child and the Law (CCL) was established as a specialized multi-disciplinary research centre of NLSIU on April 1, 1996. The Centre integrates research, direct field action, and teaching on child rights law. We use law and socio-legal strategies as tools for transformative social change to enable children to live with dignity. Our aim is to ensure social justice, human rights and quality of life for all children in India, with special focus on equitable quality education, care, protection and justice for marginalized and excluded children. More

Child Protection

We have been working on issues related to child protection since the centre's inception. The main focus of our work has been to contribute to the law making process. A large quantum of our work during the formulation of Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 was focused on preventing inclusion of transfer system.
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Study on Pendency before the Juvenile Justice Boards, Bengaluru Urban

A study to analyze the progress of cases before the Juvenile Justice Boards and the stages at which delays occur.

Capacity Building

Capacity Building and Sensitization Training for Officers of the Special Juvenile Police Unit

Centre for Child and the Law organised a Capacity Building and Sensitivity Training for the SJPU officers of South-East Bengaluru.


Invitation to the High Court Juvenile Justice Committee Meeting

CCL had the honor of being invited to attend the Juvenile Justice committee meeting at the High Court of Karnataka.

Right to Food

Our work in this area has evolved over the past few years and has become an integral part of the ‘Right to Food’ fraternity in the country. We draw our energies from the constructive engagement with the state, which is strengthened with each collaborative endeavor.
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Ascertaining the status of existing AWCs in urban and tribal areas

A study to analyze the adequacy of anganwadi centres in tribal and urban areas and the status of their functioning.


What motivates policymakers to ask Questions on nutrition?

An analysis of the questions raised by parliamentarians on nutrition.

Capacity Bulding

Capacity Building Workshops for Community Based Organizations and Panchayat Raj Institutions in two districts of Karnataka

Capacity Building Workshops for CBOs and PRIs

Right to Education

In the early years, we focused on the abolition of child labor using multi-pronged strategies. Work on ensuring good quality education to all children under 18 years started as a strategy to abolish child labor. Since then, we have done focused work in the field of education and all allied areas.
Right to Education


Community Participation – Founding Stone of Universalization of Quality Education in the neighbourhood

This article explores the mandated structure of SMCs, under the RTE Act in India and the evolution of the School Development...


CCL has been bringing out publications which includes awareness generation materials, research reports and training materials. See all publications.

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