News & Events
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Study on Pendency before the Juvenile Justice Boards, Bengaluru Urban
A study to analyze the progress of cases before the Juvenile Justice Boards and the stages at which delays occur.

Ascertaining the status of existing AWCs in urban and tribal areas
A study to analyze the adequacy of anganwadi centres in tribal and urban areas and the status of their functioning.

Capacity Building
Capacity Building Workshops for Community Based Organizations and Panchayat Raj Institutions in two districts of Karnataka
Capacity building workshops for CBOs and PRIs.

What motivates policymakers to ask Questions on nutrition?
An analysis of the questions raised by parliamentarians on nutrition.

Capacity Building
Capacity Building and Sensitization Training for Officers of the Special Juvenile Police Unit
Centre for Child and the Law organised a Capacity Building and Sensitivity Training for the Special Juvenile Police Unit officers of South-East Bengaluru.

Invitation to the High Court Juvenile Justice Committee Meeting
CCL had the honor of being invited to attend the Juvenile Justice committee meeting at the High Court of Karnataka.

CCL Commences Phase II of project on ‘Ensuring Food Security for marginalized People in India through advocacy and capacity building on NFSA, 2013′
The Centre for Child and the Law, National Law School of India University, commenced the second phase of the ‘Bread for the World’ project on October 1, 2021.