Sudha. S

Sudha is responsible for planning and organizing capacity building workshops for stakeholders and civil society organizations on right to food and National Food Security Act, 2013. She is also involved in the development of resource materials/manuals/handbooks for frontline functionaries, media, elected representatives and civil society organizations.
Sudha has a post-graduate degree in Sociology, a diploma in community based rehabilitation of the disabled in India, a diploma in Social Leadership and Rural Development and she has completed International course in Development Communication.
Sudha has more than 25 years of experience in social action and development sector in India, which includes areas of mobilization, capacity building, training, advocacy, organizational development, strategic planning and implementation. Since joining CCL in 2018, she has been involved in research and planning, coordination, monitoring interventions for the effective implementation of the provisions under the National Food Security Act, 2013 in 100 villages of Raichur, Vijayapura, Koppal, Bidar and Ramanagara districts of Karnataka.
Important Publications:
- Sudha. S, “Civilizational Crisis in the COVID Age: A Glimpse from the Ground in India”, published in, Belgium; (2020),
- Sudha. S, “The Impact of COVID-19 on Women and Children in India”, Keanean Journal of Arts, Vol-VII, Issue 1, November 2020, Lady Keane College, Shillong, India
- Sudha. S, “Role of NGOs in Conflict Transformation and Sustainable Development: A Case Study”: Occasional Paper series no.3: Published by Chair on Religious Minorities CSSEIP, NLSIU, Bangalore; (2019)
You can reach her at