About the Centre
The Centre for Child and the Law (CCL) was established as a specialized multi-disciplinary Research Centre of NLSIU on April 1st 1996. The centre integrates research, direct field action and teaching on child rights law; and uses law and socio-legal strategies as tools for transformative social change in order to enable children to live with dignity. The specific aim of CCL is to ensure social justice, human rights and quality of life for all children in India, with special focus on equitable quality education, care, protection and justice for marginalized and excluded children.
The objectives of the centre are to enable children to be treated as rights holders; to help institutionalize the human rights based approach into policy, law and practice on children, and to build the capacity of state and civil society for more effective realization of child rights. Drawing from its engagement with research and direct action, it launched the pioneering PG Diploma in Child Rights Law through Distance mode in 2008, which is currently coordinated by Distance Education Programme, NLSIU.

Vision & Mission
A world where all children live with dignity, achieving their full potential.
Contribute to a child rights centric society in which the State is accountable to children, and empower communities, especially marginalized children, to claim and realize their rights.
- Contribute to policy, law and practice, enabling compliance by duty bearers with the Constitution of India, the UNCRC and other normative standards.
- Engage in and integrate research, field action, capacity building and teaching related to policy, law and practice through a multi-disciplinary approach.
- Build and institutionalize replicable models.
- Enable increased assertion from children as rights holders.

Our Approach
Inter-disciplinary policy research, legal reform, system reform, advocacy and lobbying with the state/central government to ensure accountability for effective realization of child rights, has been undertaken by CCL over the years. The strategies adopted include the adoption of Human rights based approach, participatory action research approach, the inter-disciplinary approach including critical engagement with academia, practitioners, local communities and social movements to positively impact the human rights of children. The three prominent programmes at CCL are: Child Protection, Education, and Food Security.